Nicole Riddley

Nicole Riddley lives in Ontario Canada. She likes to travel, swim, read, write, paint, draw and take pictures in her spare time. She takes thousands of pictures every time she travels. She loves drawing portraits of people that tell stories. She loves coloring outside the lines.

More amazing stuff you’ll know about her:

Do you have any amazing stories about your fans? Any favorite fan stories?

I don’t have any favorite fan stories right now but I have readers who recognized me somehow and came over for hugs and autographs. Honestly, I’m just a regular person and having people did that to me is weird but sweet and humbling at the same time.

What’s your favorite thing about being a writer?

My favorite thing is when the characters, stories, and the world inside my head come to life in my readers’ mind. I love it when words bring tears and laughter to my readers.

Who is your favorite character that you wrote?

I love all my characters, even the villains. I have to admit that I love writing Genesis’s, Penny’s and Caspian’s dialogue the most. They’re funny and over the top at times that I have the most fun writing about them.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

When I was 10 chapters into Catching Genesis. I never realized how much fun it is until then. I certainly didn’t have that much fun writing my assignments and my thesis.

Do you have any fun facts about your book?

“I name the main character in my first story Genesis because Genesis means “The Beginning”.
Genesis’s red hair has nothing to do with Clary from TMI (The Mortal Instruments, which I happen to love) but everything to do with me accidentally dyed my hair bright red. I was mortified at first, but then I dig it. I was obsessed with it for a while. That’s why her hair is red.”

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

It does both. Writing the crazy banters between Genesis, Caspian and Penny energize me. Writing smut totally zaps the energy out of me simply because I keep blushing so much. I guess I’m not very comfortable writing smut.

What is your favorite quote?

It’s crowded in the middle and the bottom. – My bae, Peter.

Who do you say has inspired you the most?

My family and my readers. They keep pushing me to write more.

What advice do you have for aspiring authors out there?

I’m not the best person to give out writing advice, but if I have to, I’d say: Have fun doing it. Write for yourself first. If you didn’t like reading what you wrote, chances are, others wouldn’t like it either.

What’s your favorite part of your own book?

It’s hard for me to chose one but I’d say the crazy inner monologues that Genesis has throughout the book.

Do you have a writing routine? If yes, what is it?

I write first thing in the morning while having my coffee before I head out. I write again in the evening after dinner, just before I go to bed.

Who is your favorite author and why?

My favorite author is Tijan. She brings out so many emotions in me and makes me forget the world for a little while.

What are you writing now?

I’m finishing Fighting Darius and starting Trapping Quincy, which are sequels to Catching Genesis.

What inspires you to write?

My own imaginations.


It’s a wrap!

Make sure to grab Nicole Riddley’s Catching Genesis on Amazon (don’t forget to leave a review ;)), or sign up for her newsletter for updates and freebies! You can also find her on social media Facebook, Twitter, and on Goodreads. If you want to meet your fellow Genesis, join her Facebook Group! 🙂